Wednesday 29 April 2009

29th April

Ok, changed my mind. The scenes before the careers centre scene weren’t working so we’re back with that as the first scene but was thinking of flashbacks and that, employed during the scene to establish the characters pictorially whilst they tell the advisor about themselves. Also added more jokes, think the scene will be quite long but if it’s cutting about a bit it will feel quick.

Jim (yeh still haven’t thought of a better name, any ideas?) Jim now goes out with Isabelle not Ed, he’s the drifter character, the indifferent one, he can be pushed around more than Ed. It doesn’t work so well with Ed who’s becoming more negative and sarcastic (like a typical Wolves fan, the sort of person who is still pessimistic even if they have just won the league) .

Also and this is exciting Jim’s going to have an unseen, unheard of family, Isabelle is his surrogate mother figure but she’s suffocating him (not literally). Anyway at the end of the episode Jim says he’s not going with Isabelle to look at houses in Edinburgh for the post-grad course she wants to do there and at the end of the episode Simon convinces his parents to let Jim move into a spare room they have. Cue 6 episodes of hilarity as Jim has to negotiate Simon’s parents and pay them rent and stuff and maybe become a surrogate son. It adds more of a trap, more of a reason why the characters are forced together. It’s more sitcomy having 1 central family and will also involve less adult characters to film and gives heightened push/pull to the get a job/let’s make a film thing. All the time whilst Ed lives next door. Oh and if we ever make this into a dodgy sitcom we can call it ‘Simon says’, sounds like a good rubbish sitcom.

Also episode 4 is now 5 and is shaping up brilliantly. Basically the episode starts with Jim crying in-front of a computer, then the episode keeps cutting back with what I previously told you until then end where Simon and Isabelle kiss. This then cuts back to Jim and is shown to be the reason he is crying. And then episode 6 starts of brilliantly because Jim and Simon, living in the same house, having kissed the same girl, there’s going to be some drama.

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